Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cricket! - by Evan (obviously)

The cricket was awesome! It was sunny and I had some chips and ketchup and Ellen let me have an ice cream and it was YUMMY. There was a big hill behind the ground and Ellen said it was a table but it wasn't, it was definitely a hill. Girls are silly.


Anyway! Yes, flight was great - despite E's constant chattering during District 9 (great film) and refusal to allow me to work my way down the wine list as I was driving (a car later on, not the plane).

I have never driven for 11 hours straight before, but it was actually much easier than driving up to Yorkshire over xmas - this was mainly as there were only three turns, one of which was really more of a slight bend. You quickly get into the African driving style as well: if I overtook a lorry on the M1 by driving on the opposite side of the road, then moving onto the opposing hard shoulder to avoid an oncoming bus, E would probably try and leave the car via the window. But here it already seems normal and the logical thing to do.

Cricket at Newlands has also made the trip over here worth it already (E doesn't quite agree) and a good result - although we wouldn't mention this to our current hosts...

Now back to being thrashed at cricket in the garden by my 10 year old cousin and his school friends down from Zim. The future of Zimbabwe cricket is assured - I haven't managed to hit one yet (and I play for Ditchling 3rd XI you know).

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